March 5, 2009

Excellent News

I am now the Managing Editor of AnthologyBuilder. I'm very excited, as I've always hoped to gain experience in the field. I've been editing the works of my friends and peers for years, and I'm always game to read a short story or ten.... thousand. I'm also looking forward to meeting the many authors and artists that AB is currently bringing together.

The Saturday before last I discovered that I received a Daily Deviation (a feature on the main page of the art website, DeviantArt) on my photograph, Hope.

by =omnibob8 on deviantART

Over 1000 messages in the space of a day! After years of struggling to carve out some sort of creative niche, I feel a bit overwhelmed. And honored and thrilled at the same time. It's nice to get a bit of recognition now and then. So now I can say I've had my fifteen minutes of web fame.